Our aim is to provide a high standard of services and quality of care to achieve satisfaction for our patients, prevent ill health, promote wellbeing, diagnose and treat illness. We are interested in and enjoy what we do and approach our days with a positive attitude that supports our patients and our colleagues.
Dr Sally Parnell
GP Trainer
MB BChir DRCOG FRCGP Sally is currently one of our GP trainers.

Dr Sally Parnell was born in 1978 and qualified from Oxford in 2003. Sally joined the practice in October 2010.
Dr Alex Dale
Dr Alex Dale joined the practice in January 2022.
Dr Richard Albardiaz
GP Trainer
Richard is currently one of our GP trainers.

Dr Richard Albardiaz qualified from Cambridge in 2000, joining the practice in 2009. Richard is also involved in medical education and has published a range of papers.
Dr Anna James
BSC Medicine 2005, MBCHB Medicine 2011, DRCOG 2018, MRCGP 2018

Dr Anna James qualified from the University of St Andrew’s and the University of Manchester in 2011. Anna joined the practice on 2021.
Dr Nicky Cudlipp
Associate GP

Dr Cudlipp joined the practice in 2014 as a part time assistant, having previously been a GP registrar at the practice
For a full list of Dr Albardiaz’ publications click here
Each individual GP aims to provide as wide a range of services as possible for their personal list of patients. We therefore all offer maternity services and general contraceptive services. We also all run clinics for our diabetic patients and specialised services for our patients with a number of conditions such as heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Dr James and Dr Parnell carry out minor surgery. Dr Parnell fits contraceptive implants.
We also provide the training of doctors who are working towards qualifying as a GP. Our training page details those doctors who are currently with the practice.
The practice is a partnership (Drs: Albardiaz, Dale, James and Parnell) operating as Dr Parnell and partners.
Practice Staff
Practice Manager
Our practice manager is Mrs Sarah Clements who took over the role in April 2019. She is responsible for running the administration side of the practice.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the practice they should be addressed to her.
She is also the person to contact if you have any complaints about the practice.
Practice Nurses
We have two practice nurses: Gay Mason RGN and Sam Parsler RGN. They are an important part of our practice team. In addition to the routine work of practice nurses they also have a wide range of specialist skills.
These include running travel clinics, managing patients anticoagulation and setting up of 24 hour blood pressure monitoring.
Some practice nurse appointments can be booked online. However it is not possible to book 20 minute appointments on line and therefore for services such as travel advice and cervical smears need to be booked at reception.
Please refer to the information document for more information.
Health Care Assistants
We also have three health care assistants: Julie Wakeford, Kristina Avery and Rowana Lawrence. They carry out a range of clinical duties including phlebotomy, performing ECGs and spirometry. Some of these appointments can be booked online.
Blood tests have to be booked by 14:30 am as we rely on the hospital to collect them and take them to the hospital. Please do not try and book a blood test after this time as it will not be collected and taken to the hospital that day.
Reception, Dispensary and Office Staff
We have a large team of friendly and efficient staff who help run the practice. They have a complex job in managing all the tasks that make up a modern day practice. They are here to help you and deal with any enquiries you may have.
Attached Staff
District Nurses
We have a team of district nurses attached to the practice. They are available 7 days a week. The district nurses can be contacted via the surgery. They provide care in your home if you are unable to attend the surgery. We have regular meetings with them to discuss patient care.
Health Visitor
Our health visitor is not currently offering a clinic in Northiam. If you require an appointment you can book at the Battle Hub by calling 01424 723070.
Our midwife is Ila Pandya. She can be contacted on 01424 758091 or in an emergency contact labour ward at the Conquest 01424 755255. She unfortunately no longer does antenatal clinics here at Northiam but clinics are now done at Ferry Road clinic in Rye.
The attached staff are not employed by the practice but we have close links with all of them and meet formally at regular intervals to discuss clinical and management issues.
PCN Team

We are a member of the Rural Rother Primary Care Network who offer a number of support services and you may be referred to them from time-to-time. This team provide Physiotheraphy, Social Prescribing etc.