To register with the practice, you must live within the catchment area and provide proof of residency. You’ll need your NHS number (or find it online) and complete registration forms for each family member. Registration can be done online or via a paper form, which is available at reception. Adults must submit two forms of identification and proof of address, which can be uploaded online or given to reception.
If you are in our Practice area (map below), you are most welcome to register with the Practice. Enter your post code on the map below to check if you are fall within our catchment area.
We only register patients who live within our catchment area and we require proof of residency before we will accept a patient onto our register.

To register you will need your NHS number. If you do not know your NHS number there is an online service which will help you find it.
You will need to complete the forms for each member of your family.
You can complete the registration process online. This form includes questions about access to online services as well as your summary care record.
If you cannot register online you can download and complete a paper copy of the registration form. Forms are also available from reception or from the link below.
When patients register at the practice all adults will be required to provide two forms of identification e.g. a passport or a driving licence and proof of address which can be uploaded as part of your online application.
Registration – what happens
- We will normally confirm your registration within 3 working days of receipt
- For adults, we make a 10 minute appointment to see the Practice Nurse and then, if you are on regular medication, an appointment to see the doctor you are registering with
- Children who are on repeat medications will be made an appointment with their new doctor
- The new registration consultation involves simple medical tests such as checking of blood pressure as well as general information about diet and exercise
- If you are on any repeat medication then these will also be sorted out at this time
- This is also your opportunity to share your health beliefs and to make any inquiries to your doctor.