Register Online

Please complete the form below and submit

Register (GSM1)

If you were previously registered with a GP please help us trace your previous medical records by providing the following information:

Your previous address in the UK
Your previous address in the UK
Address of previous doctor
Address of previous doctor

If you are from abroad:

Are you from abroad?
Address at which you first registered with a GP
Address at which you first registered with a GP

If you are from the Armed Forces:

Are you from the Armed Forces?
Address before enlisting
Address before enlisting

Text Messaging

Are you happy to receive text messages to remind you about appointments and the availability of services such as flu vaccinations, reviews etc?

Online Access

Would you like online access to your account for Booking appointment, Requesting repeat prescriptions and viewing your medical records?
Please Confirm the below:

Your Health and Summary Care Records

Summary Care Record

The summary care record will initially consist of basic information such as your date of birth and address, details of allergies, current prescriptions and bad reactions to medicines. 

The Summary Care Records can be accessed – with patient consent – by the Hospitals / A&E dept, the Out of Hours Services, 111 and the Ambulance Service.

Why is sharing important?

Health records about you can be held in various places, including your GP practice and any hospital where you have had treatment. Sharing your health record will ensure you receive the best possible care and treatment wherever you are and whenever you need it.

Is my health record secure?

Yes. There are safeguards in place to make sure only organisations you have authorised to view your records can do so. We will always protect your personal information. For further information about this, please see our Privacy Notice on our website or please speak to a member of our team

Can I decide who I share my health record with?

Yes. You decide who has access to your health record. For your health record to be shared between organisations that provide care to you, your consent must be gained.

Can I change my mind?

Yes. You can change your mind at any time about sharing your health record, please just let us know.

Can someone else consent on my behalf?

If you do not have capacity to consent and have a Lasting Power of Attorney, they may consent on your behalf. If you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney, then a decision in best interests can be made by those caring for you.

What about parental responsibility?

If you have parental responsibility and your child is not able to make an informed decision for themselves, then you can make a decision about information sharing on behalf of your child. If your child is competent then this must be their decision.

What is your Summary Care Record?

This can be viewed by GP practices, Hospitals and the Emergency Services. If you do not want a Summary Care Record, please ask your GP practice for the appropriate opt out form. With your consent, additional information can be added to create an Enhanced Summary Care Record. This could include your care plans which will help ensure that you receive the appropriate care in the future.

For further information about your health records, please see:

For further information about how the NHS uses your data for research & planning and to opt-out, please see:

Do you consent to your GP Practice sharing a summary of your health record with other organisations who care for you?
Opt-out Summary Care Record – Opt-out
What does it mean if I DO NOT have a Summary Care Record? NHS healthcare staff caring for you may not be aware of your current medications, allergies you suffer from any bad reactions to medicines you have had, in order to treat you safely in an emergency. Your records will stay as they are now with information being shared by letter, email, fax or phone. If you have any questions, or if you want to discuss your choices, please ask at reception.

Additional information can be included to your SCR with your permission. It will include:

  • Your long term health conditions – such as asthma, diabetes, heart problems or rare medical conditions.
  • Your relevant medical history – clinical procedures that you have had, why you need a particular medicine, the care you are currently receiving and clinical advice to support your future care.
  • Your healthcare needs and personal preferences – you may have particular communication needs, a long term condition that needs to be managed in a particular way, or you may have made legal decisions or have preferences about your care that you would like to be known.
  • Immunisations – details of previous vaccinations, such as tetanus and routine childhood jabs.
  • Please note: specific sensitive information such as any fertility treatments, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy terminations or gender reassignment will not be included, unless you specifically ask for any of these items to be included.

    Do you consent to having additional information included in your Summary Care Record with Additional Information?

    Permission for family members or others to speak to the doctor on your behalf

    Do you have a lasting Power of Attorney?
    You have requested online access for your child?

    ID Verification – Can be provided at the surgery

    What identification has been provided?

    Maximum file size: 52.43MB

    Patient Loaded onto EMIS

    Complted once Patient has been loaded onto EMIS
    Patient added as: